Friday, September 26, 2008

Cause for Concern?

Ok, every news channel you turn to here in Canada all have the same top story...the rapid decline of the US economy. I for one do not understand most of what's going on but it's looking really bad. What will this mean for our economy? Is the media blowing all this up way out of proportion like usual? Should what's happening south of the border have any bearing on our upcoming election (as an RRSP owner, we don't want to lose everything we've put in, should it come to that)? And why is it I have more info on the candidates for the US presidency than any of our candidates for PM? I think that last question is a little unsettling. If I haven't already missed it I think I may watch the televised debate to get a feel for our candidates. I know what party I support but does it's leader stand for the right things? With just over 2 1/2 weeks to go til our election, guess I better do my homework.

On a brighter note, I am now a proud owner of a Crackberry Pearl, a phone that I have no idea how to use, lol. Might get to play with it tonight...but probably not. Ryan has been pretty sick all this week and I've been busy cleaning up vomit and comforting him this week. Oh well, I have the new phone...I'll figure it out in due time.


Banana_Grl said...

You haven't missed the leaders debate yet, its on the 1st at 6pm (my time, not sure about yours). You can also check out the party websites for details on their platforms ... or news sites will often have a rundown too, but keep in mind they are biased :) Hope that helps!

Hope Ryan is feeling better soon ...

monkey chick said...

Thanks, this has actually become a very important decision in our household since having kids and future homeowners.