Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Take on This Latest Political Crises

First off I was all for a coalition BEFORE the election, ideally without the QB, who don't seem to fit into any political views of the other parties. Many other Canadians expressed the same opinion, if only for the sole reason of getting rid of Harper and the Conservatives from power. That being said, NOT all Canadians who voted Liberal, NDP or BQ had the same view. So this is my first point: it is very undemocratic of these leaders to do this AFTER the election is over. Who is to say that if they had done this before the election that enough Canadadians supporting one of these 3 parties would have opted instead for a stable one party gov't (conservatives), thereby giving Harper the majority (he was awefully close this time around). Second point, given the way they brought this about, trying to just overthrow the current PM without the voice of the people makes me lose all respect for them. It makes me wonder just how well said coalition would actually work. Would things be all fine and dandy until one party decided that it did not want to vote in favour of one issue or another along with the other two parties? I can see utter chaos in the future, with nothing getting done, as usual.
*side note* Just saw on the news that Harper has suspending Parliament...interesting.
Ok back to my views. How dare you fellows say that I and millions of Canadians do not get a voice in this. Screw you, this isn't a communist country (yet, getting close with these antics). However before we go back to the polls let's set out some new rules.
1.)Fine anyone who is eligible to vote and doesn't. This would not be hard to implement...hell I would volunteer to help start this. They could do this through our taxes and social insurance numbers. Screw this whole "right" to vote crap. Who are the first people to complain about newly elected governments...NON-VOTERS, that's who.
2)Eliminate all but 2-3 parties. Why the hell do the votes need to be split 5 different ways (and those are just the "major" parties, the ones who get press and whatnot)! No freakin wonder we get one minority gov't after another.
3)I am ALL for eliminating all this crazy free for all spending for campaigns. Give me a break here, most of us regular joes are busting our humps just to make ends meet and you guys are out there spending money like it's going out of style! You want to run, you find a way to pay for it yourself. Most of these leaders have successful businesses of their own and have more money than most Canadians.

I am losing all hope for the future of Canada, drunk, retarded monkees could do a better job than these spoiled brats in parliament. Honestly, I do not like most of the Conservative platform but Harper is the ONLY one in this stupidity who has not lost any respect from fact I hate to say it, if it goes to an election he is getting my vote. And I hope he wins a majority and we're stuck with him for a full term. Maybe then we'll see some big changes within the Liberals and NDP (namely their leaders, let's get some intelligent leaders for these opposition parties, not spoiled children). Shame on all of you for making our beautiful country look so stupid.

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