Thursday, December 28, 2006

I'm Back!!!!!!

So it's been forever since I blogged. I thought I'd give it another go, as a medium for getting my thoughts out and to keep everyone up on news about us.
First off I guess, tales of Christmas. This year was pretty fun as Rosie now understands about Santa and got more and more excited as the big day grew nearer. The look on her face when she woke up Christmas morning was priceless, she was soooo frickin' elated at all the gifts under the tree. She didn't know where to start, but in my opinion did very well at getting everything open. After an hour it started getting a bit much but she managed to get through everything before she'd eat breakfast. We went to Jasonya's for dinner, where Rosie got to experience her first little kids table (she always eats with Meio and I). She did pretty good at that, especially when the ice cream came out. I hope everyone else had a fabulous Christmas.
So in about 7 weeks Rosie's compitition will be arriving. It should be very interesting. Hopefully everyone adjusts quickly to this major change in the family.
I guess I should end this post as I have a big monkey climbing all over me, demanding my attention. I will post pics as soon as I figure out how.


Niilo John Van Steinburg said...

I've added your blog to my RSS reader, so you better make it worth my while!

You know, I had actually tried your old blog spot recently to no avail, and sent you an email to no avail. Rather convenient that two days later you should start this ;)

- Niilo

Joanne said...

So glad that you sent me a link to your blog. And I'm glad that you had visited my 'adventures' as well. You are now in my favs and I will check on you frequently. Can't wait to hear more about the 'new competition' arriving soon. And of course about how the 'monkey' is hanging in there.