Wednesday, January 17, 2007


So last night I eagerly awaited for 10:00 to watch a new House and hmm...appearantly Global played a repeat, yes a FREAKIN' REPEAT. AAARRRGH...why do they do that, play a brand new episode last week and then not continue the season the next week. And why the hell not start all the shows at the same time? I have to wait til Feb 21 for Jericho to start again! Ok you think, maybe I shouldn't be so obsessed with TV. Well you know what, I need that hour or two after Rosie goes to bed to unwind. There's my rant for the day.

On another topic entirely, I think my imagination has kicked into overtime lately. I'll see an ordinary person at the mall or on the street and in a matter of minutes have an entire hollywood movie storyline created about them.

OH MY GOD, I'm typing this while watching the news and they just showed a preview for a new Will Ferral/Jon
Heder movie called Blades of Glory. I so have to go see it, the trailer itself had me on the floor laughing.

I have my week 36 checkup today. Yay, a 2 minute appointment that takes an hour of my time, Bleh!

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