Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Spreading the Happiness

Ok, so both my sis in laws have posted this vid on their blogs. I LOVE IT! It, quite simply put, just makes me happy. I dare you to try and watch it without smiling:) Thank you to the discovery channel for this inspiring commercial!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Make Face Time

I absolutely LOVE the new Dentyne Ice commercial. Really puts into perspective how all this technology is really disconnecting everyone. I encourage everyone out there to make more face time with your loved ones. Next time you want to say something to someone, no matter how stupid or trivial it may seem, give that person a call. Don't text or email, talk to them:) And make time for coffee or whatever with friends and family. Gotta go, gonna make face time with the kidlets!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Well as Rosie gets close to the end of her second month of preschool, I can see all my worries about this venture were unfounded. She LOVES it and comes home with the best art projects. This gorgeous apple turkey was done the Friday before Thanksgiving. I think it's awesome!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, what do you think of this awesome turkey cake we had for dessert (it was made up of several cupcakes, which gave me some awesome ideas for future birthdays/holidays). Ryan totally knows how to get right in to eat cake...he was an absolute mess afterwards but it was really fun and that's what bathtubs are for, lol.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Supreme Court vs. Laws of Nature

So while wandering the internet looking for instuctions on reconstituting kidney beans for chili, Meio came upon this: "Beans, Beans, the Magical Fruit" is a children's song about the flatulence often experienced after eating beans. The song is noteworthy for correctly identifying the bean as a fruit, not a vegetable. Yet beans, along with many other fruits, are regarded as vegetables due to their common usage as such. The decision to classify certain fruits as vegetables was officially resolved in 1893 when the Supreme Court unanimously decided the tomato was a vegetable, at which time Justice Gray also clarified the status of cucumbers, squash, peas and beans as vegetables. The thing that caught our eye in this little tidbit of info is the fact that the Supreme Court can just defy what science has proven, and just randomly reclassify fruits as vegetables. Um, yeah, that does not actually make these items vegetables people, just because some judge declares it so. And why the hell are tax payer's money going to stupid, pointless use of the Supreme Court. Seriously!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Ok, so I don't know if there's a new style of parenting for the new century or whether it's just a big city thing but I call it pussy parenting. What am I talking about? The total lack of response to any bad behaviour a child may exhibit and other general stupid parenting ideas. Some examples (and a lot of these are things that my sis-in-law has seen/been told...I am completely stunned at the stupidity of all these examples):
1) Just got a phone call from sis. A young girl (about 10-11) opened an unpaid for pack of gum at Wal-mart, chewed a piece for a few seconds then spit the gum on the FLOOR, stating that it tasted gross. All of this while her mother just looked on without doing anything. Uh, yeah, my kid would have been stopped at the trying to open the unpaid for gum.
2) Local playground just got a whole bunch of new equipment a few days back. Last night some kid? adult? thought it would be a good idea to poop (yeah that's right I said poop) in one of the new toys there. Hello! Are you that much of a freakin savage? Little kids play there!
3) At same playground today some stupid woman was playing a game of tag? with her two boys, with a twist, they were throwing rocks (fairly big ones) at each other while chasing each other. Yes, the mother too! Hi, way to teach your kids stupid playground games that will eventually hurt someone.
4)My sis was actually told that teaching children manners stifles their creativity. Whoa, since when? She was also told she was a mean mother (by another PARENT!!!) because she makes her kids do homework/chores.

It's no wonder we have a bunch of snot nosed, spoiled, bratty children in this world today. Parents, do your job, and parent. Your kids do NOT rule the roust. So what if your kid doesn't like what to do, they need boundries! Rosie tells me on a regular basis that she doesn't like me (when she's being punished) but I hate to say it, oh well. My job isn't to be her friend, it's to make sure she grows to be a healthy, polite, productive member of society. If you want a friend, buy a dog. If you want kids, be a parent. People today, yeesh!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Way Too Funny

Saw this advertised while perusing craigslist this morning:
Wanted: a conservative platform for the 2008 Federal Election. We weren't able to get it together for the debates. Early voting started yesterday, and we still have no platform. Does anyone have a platform to spare? If so, please contact 1-866-808-8407 or
Thought it was extremely funny and just wanted to share. I wish I had thought to do this and would love to meet the person who posted it!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

While Cool, NOT the First

The Canucks home page claims Bobby Lou is the first goalie to be named captain. Not true:
William Ronald (Bill) Durnan (born January 22, 1916 in Toronto, Ontario - October 31, 1972) was a Canadian professional ice hockey goaltender who played for the Montreal Canadiens in the National Hockey League (NHL). Durnan was an ambidextrous goalie, equally adept at using his right or left hand (he wore special gloves that permitted him to catch with either hand while still holding his stick). Until Roberto Luongo was named captain of the Vancouver Canucks on 30 September, 2008, he was the last goalie to be a captain in the National Hockey League. Including Luongo, he is one of only seven ever.
Not that any of you care but I thought this was interesting (thanks to Brett for that little tidbit of info).

Fun fun fun

Ok, I totally love Rosie's preschool. Got a news letter today and the theme this month (for obvious reasons) is fall. They are doing all sorts of cool stuff this month:
-making an apple turkey (can't wait til that little art project!)
-making applesauce
-there is a black day (where they are encouraged to wear something black) and an orange day (wear orange and bring an orange snack)
-a halloween party (of course!)
Today they went on a leaf finding adventure to make their art project. When I got to the school to pick her up they were outside having a picnic (it's been GORGEOUS here this week). It's good to know that my money is going to a preschool that is way more than just a babysitting service (I know that is not true for all the preschools). Rosie absolutely LOVES it and wakes up every morning and asks, "Is it a school day today?" It will be interesting to see what activities they get to do this year.