Friday, October 17, 2008


Well as Rosie gets close to the end of her second month of preschool, I can see all my worries about this venture were unfounded. She LOVES it and comes home with the best art projects. This gorgeous apple turkey was done the Friday before Thanksgiving. I think it's awesome!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, what do you think of this awesome turkey cake we had for dessert (it was made up of several cupcakes, which gave me some awesome ideas for future birthdays/holidays). Ryan totally knows how to get right in to eat cake...he was an absolute mess afterwards but it was really fun and that's what bathtubs are for, lol.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

If you like the cupcake idea you should check out the book I recently got that I posted about... Hello, Cupcake. I got it out of the library and loved it so much that Brenda & the '3 kids' got it for me for my birthday! You will love it too!